Diwali Maths

These slides were for indian langauge week. We did maths that included indian items and photos and we had to work them out and write down the answer.

Diversity reading

In this document, we learn’t to understand the diverse population of our country and others. We looked at the different cultures and religions around New Zealand and how they have diverse celebrations , traditions and culture.

Diversity writing

In this writing piece, we learn’t about cultural diversity, but also how to discover true generosity. We did different questions to test if we understood the writing and if we could identify true acts of generosity. We learn’t that you shouldn’t always expect a reward or expect something back.

Information reports

This term we have been learning about information reports, and the different topics and the structures. We’ve been practising how to write and identify the topics in the pieces of writing. The document above shows some of the work we have been doing about information reports, structures and topics. I have learn’t lots about information reports and I’m getting more confident about writing them myself.

What is Media?

Today we learnt about identifying different forms of media platforms and apps, describing what they are used for and how it helps or affects society. I think media is different social platforms and apps that people use in their everyday lives on a daily basis to socialise and entertain themselves, but media is also an influence on the people that consume it everyday.

What media do you consume everyday?